Friday, July 31, 2020

Weekly Brief: Artificial Intelligence; Take Back Your Life; New Website; The Blessing; more news...

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Weekly Brief is your 1-minute smart and fast report to keep you informed of important Bible-related trends, statistics, articles, and pivotal happenings on the Web and at Bible Gateway. Forward to your friends and share with your followers to encourage them to subscribe.


Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity: An Interview with John C. Lennox


What dangers lurk in technology's ubiquitous and unrelenting encroachment in our lives? What are the perilous spiritual implications of artificial intelligence, bioengineering, facial recognition, and other hi-tech applications we're accepting into our daily world with little concern? What does the Bible say about it all? Bible Gateway interviewed John C. Lennox about his book, 2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity (Zondervan, 2020).


What Made Jesus Mad?: An Interview with Tim Harlow


Christians love to focus on the gentle and tender heart of Jesus. But what about his righteous rage? In the Gospels, what, and who, ignited Jesus' anger? How should we appropriately respond like Jesus when necessary? Bible Gateway interviewed Tim Harlow about his book, What Made Jesus Mad?: Rediscover the Blunt, Sarcastic, Passionate Savior of the Bible (Thomas Nelson, 2019).

Sneak Peek/First Listen: Take Back Your Life


Bible Gateway exclusively published this week a Sneak Peek and First Listen of the forthcoming book, audiobook, and DVD Take Back Your Life: A 40-Day Interactive Journey to Thinking Right So You Can Live Right by Levi Lusko (Thomas Nelson, 2020), pastor of Fresh Life Church, in which he says, "You might be surprised to know that the origin of the word deadline actually has something to do with real dying...."



2020 is the Year Of The Bible. Select the free Bible Reading Plan that's right for you this year.


Tips for Navigating the New Bible Gateway Website


While Bible Gateway's website has a fresh new look, it retains the easy, free Bible search-and-read functionality you've come to expect and appreciate. One new feature that users are enthusiastically calling out is the Bible Book List that drops down under the search bar when you click the down arrow....


'Blessing' Bible Searches on Bible Gateway Dramatically Increase In Parallel With the Release of 'The Blessing' Song


The Blessing is a wildly popular worship song written by Chris Brown, Cody Carnes, Kari Jobe, and Steven Furtick. The song's lyrics are taken from Numbers 6:24-26, the blessing God instructed Moses to tell Aaron to pray over the people of Israel. Bible searches related to that Scripture passage by users of Bible Gateway from around the world have increased, peaking at 73% year-over-year from March 6 to July 27....

How to Live The Bible — Conviction With Tolerance


In this 114th lesson on how to live the Bible, pastor and author Dr. Mel Lawrenz says, "The Bible insists that though Christians are to be people of conviction, they're also to be models of tolerance. Tolerance is knowing that you don't know everything and taking the posture of a learner...." If you want to know how to live the Bible every day, read this installment of his series on our Blog and encourage your friends and followers to receive it by email.

Browse the Personal Growth section in the FaithGateway Store.


68% of American Adults Are Now 'Bible Curious'


The COVID-19 pandemic seems to be causing a paradox of Bible reading for American adults. According to American Bible Society's report, State of the Bible 2020, the number of American adults considered "Scripture engaged" based on how frequently they read the Bible and its impact on their relationships and choices dropped from 28% to 23% (a loss of 13 million people) between January and June 2020 during the virus outbreak. Yet the study also shows 68% of American adults (about 172 million people) are 'Bible curious,' meaning they want to learn more about Scripture....


See These and Other Bestsellers in the FaithGateway Store


Adventurer Bear Grylls Depends on God for His Strength


Bear Grylls, author of Soul Fuel: A Daily Devotional (Zondervan, 2019), says, "I kneel simply because it is where I find strength. The whole notion of strength through weakness, connection through honesty, and power through humility is a journey, and I am not very far along the road. But I stay on it, as best I can, because my heart feels it is good...."

When I Discovered My Dream Had Become an Idol


Tiffini Kilgore, author of of Misfit Table: Let Your Hunger Lead You to Where You Belong (Zondervan, 2019), says, "Since I said yes to God, I've been journaling my thoughts, my questions, and God's responses. But this morning, I sit at the table and read, you have 'relied on oppression and depended on deceit' (Isa. 30:12). The words pull my face to them and say, 'Sweet one, pay attention. You are shaping your life on lies'...."

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NIV Student Bible

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