Tuesday, September 8, 2020

People told Puja she was worthless

You showed her that God loves her
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People told me I could not accomplish anything in life. I had no hope things would change for me.
“I come from a very poor family. My dream was to become a runner, but because of the costs, that was not possible for me. People told me I could not accomplish anything in life. I had no hope things would change for me.” —Puja
Dear Champion of the Bible,

I wish you could meet Puja in person. She’s full of potential—potential that might never have been realized without the help of caring people like you.

Like so many youth in India, Puja was trapped by poverty and a rigid class structure. But when this dedicated runner encountered one of Biblica’s local sports ministry partners, her life began to change. She says:

I visited a training center near my school, and that’s where I met Kaustav and his wife. They were kind to me and gave me an opportunity to train at the center. They spoke to me about Jesus, and through them I received a book called The Game of Life.
The Game of Life contains the books of Luke and Acts, along with the testimonies of well-known athletes. Translated into eight of the most-spoken languages in India, it’s become a powerful evangelism and discipleship tool. Puja continues:

Reading The Game of Life filled my heart with so much hope. I carry the book with me wherever I go. I began to practice hard, and I became very good. At many competitions now I’ve gotten first, second, or third.

One day, Kaustav and his wife gifted me a translated copy of the Bible from Biblica, and I was so happy! I’ve never had a Bible before. I’m thanking God so much I got this Bible. I am very grateful to everyone who has made it possible.

At school, 21 girls were selected to go for competitions, and the headmistress has asked me to coach them. There are many who are poor just like me. I tell them, “You can accomplish things if you work hard. And if you believe in Jesus, your life will change.” Because of The Game of Life and the Bible, I know I can accomplish my dreams. I believe that if I do well here, I will be able to get a good job and support my family. Thank you.
Will you help put 75,000 copies of The Game of Life into the hands of brave, determined youth in India like Puja—and provide other Scripture resources to sports ministries across South and East Asia?

Your gift today will help close a $118,334 funding gap. And thanks to a $50,000 match, every dollar of your gift can go twice as far!

Kaustav says, “Our dream is that Puja will impact her generation.” I believe she will, don’t you? Thank you for sharing God’s Word with the rising generation through your gift!

Your partner in ministry,

Geof Morin Geof Morin


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