Thursday, October 29, 2020

Recapture the Wonder of God-With-Us This Advent Season

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Zondervan Books
Scott Erickson

Recapture the Wonder of God-With-Us This Advent Season

By Scott Erickson (Bible Gateway Blog)

I. Love. Holidays. I'm always up for a celebration! And the crème de la crème for me is Christmas. It is by far my favorite time of year. But a few years ago, as the twinkly lights and evergreens came out, as they always do, I found myself increasingly ambivalent about the whole ordeal....

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Rebekah Lyons

Know Your Identity: Don't Let Labels Define You

By Rebekah Lyons (Bible Gateway Blog)

"Mom, what is Down syndrome?" Pierce asked with tear-stained, chubby cheeks after exiting the bus one autumn day in second grade. The term for his brother's medical diagnosis had yet to surface in our home. We weren't in denial as parents; we simply wanted our younger two to know their brother for all he is, as Cade....

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Dr. Henry Cloud

A Biblical Perspective of Good and Bad

By Dr. Henry Cloud (Boundaries Blog)

The world around us is good and bad. The people around us are good and bad. We are good and bad.

Our natural tendency is to try to resolve the problem of good and evil by keeping the good and the bad separated. We want, by nature, to experience the good me, the good other, and the good world as "all good." To do this, we ...

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The 10 Laws of Boundaries
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