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America's Religious History: An Interview with Thomas S. Kidd
Since the founding of America centuries ago, Americans have been a pervasively religious people. What is the theological and ethnic diversity and enduring strength of American religion in general, and Christianity and evangelical faith in particular? How have faith commitments and actions shaped the nation? Bible Gateway interviewed Thomas S. Kidd, author of America's Religious History (Zondervan, 2019).
Advent is a Time to Recognize the Wonder of God with Us: An Interview with Scott Erickson
Have you lost the sense of just how full of amazing wonder Christmas is? Maybe for you, the joy of the season is painfully dissonant with the hard edges of life. Or maybe you feel wearied by the way Christmas has become a polished, predictable routine. Or maybe this sacred divine story is too confusing and feels too far removed from our modern world. Bible Gateway interviewed Scott Erickson about his book, Honest Advent: Awakening to the Wonder of God-with-Us Then, Here, and Now (Zondervan, 2020).
Former Atheist Makes the Case for Christmas; Bible Gateway Hosts Free Online Bible Study with Lee Strobel—STARTS MONDAY
Award-winning former legal editor of The Chicago Tribune and former atheist, Lee Strobel, uses his legal and journalism training to investigate whether the account of the birth and divinity of Jesus is logically and historically credible, in the free Case for Christmas Online Bible Study November 30, 2020–January 1, 2021. Free registration for the event is at BibleGateway.com/cfc. When you sign up you'll get a free Advent toolkit containing a Scripture reading plan and conversation cards for the season and more.
2020 is the Year Of The Bible. Select the free Bible Reading Plan that's right for you.
November 29 is International Day of the Bible.
Browse Christmas resources in the FaithGateway Store.
How to Live the Bible — Thanksgiving in Difficult Times
In this 132nd lesson on how to live the Bible, pastor and author Dr. Mel Lawrenz says, "Whether this year has been extremely stressful for us, or not, we'll always benefit by turning our eyes to the grace of God, and in that gratitude, whatever its measure, to be raised up in thanksgiving...." If you want to know how to live the Bible every day, read this installment of his series on our Blog and encourage your friends and followers to receive it by email.
Give the Gift of Scripture Engagement this Christmas
Scripture engagement causes us to hear and read the Bible with an awareness that we encounter God as we reflect upon Bible passages. Here are a few gift ideas from Thomas Nelson to help the person in your life engage God through engaging Scripture....
Sign Up for LOOKING FOR LIGHT: An Advent Journey
Each Sunday in December, we'll send you a Bible study featuring Scripture passages traditionally read by Christians around the world during each week of Advent. Each study includes links that take you to a host of Scripture passages and resources on Bible Gateway....
The Missing Ingredient of Advent
Rick McKinley, Chris Seay, and Greg Holder, authors Advent Conspiracy: Making Christmas Meaningful (Again), ask, "What do we worship during Advent? 'Jesus' is the right answer, of course, but is it the true answer? Does the way we spend our time, money, and energy testify that we worship God incarnate?...."
How to Handle Seasons of Delay in a God-Honoring Way
Advent reminds us we're in a season of waiting. Banning Liebscher, author of The Three-Mile Walk: The Courage You Need to Live the Life God Wants for You (Zondervan, 2020), says, "God does not hate delays. He uses them frequently on our journey. The walk to which he calls us is full of delays, and there is no app to help us avoid them...."
Learn More About the Genealogy of Jesus this Christmas
From the first chapter of Matthew, the New Testament displays how God keeps the covenants he gives to his people throughout the Old Testament. Matthew 1:1-17 lists the incredible genealogy that stretches from Abraham to the Messiah, outlining the long and breathtakingly complex plan that God fashioned throughout more than 40 generations of broken, sinful people, whom God used for his glory and our salvation....
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Friday, November 27, 2020
Weekly Brief: Thanksgiving; Advent; Jesus' Genealogy; more news...
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