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Running So Fast Our Souls Can't Keep Up: An Interview with John Eldredge
Are you the average American who checks your cell phone 80 times a day? Are you frantically barraged by information so that you feel numb and burnt out? Are you overwhelmed to the point that your soul needs healing? How can the Bible help you focus on what really matters? Bible Gateway interviewed John Eldredge about his book, Get Your Life Back: Everyday Practices for a World Gone Mad (Thomas Nelson, 2020).
Video: Snowflakes Are the Jewels of Winter
On a winter morning they fall gracefully from the sky. Snowflakes – some of the most beautiful works of art to adorn planet earth. But how do these extraordinary creations take shape? Through breathtaking macro and time-lapse photography and computer animation, explore the science behind the wonder in the following short film....
It's Not Too Late to Join: Begin Again Reading Club with Max Lucado
In what areas do you need renewed vision and renewed hope? In what ways do you need to nurture your eternal perspective? How do you influence those around you? No matter what the world throws at us—anxiety, grief, disappointment, heartache—we know God is the author of new chapters. God knows the way forward. In this Begin Again Reading Club, journey together on a 5-week guided reading club with Max's online community as you read through the book, Begin Again: Your Hope and Renewal Start Today.... IMPORTANT RESOURCES FOR YOU
For 2021, select the free Bible Reading Plan that's right for you.
Valentine's Day is Feb. 14. Browse love resources in the FaithGateway Store.
Browse New Year New You resources in the Bible Gateway Store.
How to Live the Bible — Troubled Times
In this 141st lesson on how to live the Bible, pastor and author Dr. Mel Lawrenz says, "Hold onto God's promise: 'Do not be afraid… I am with you and will rescue you'…" If you want to know how to live the Bible every day, read this installment of his series on our Blog and encourage your friends and followers to receive it by email.
New Verse Mapping Bibles Offer Customized Convenience for Scriptural Word Studies
The newly published NIV Verse Mapping Bible (Zondervan, 2021) and NIV Verse Mapping Bible for Girls (Zonderkidz, 2021), created by award-winning author, and women's ministry leader and speaker, Kristy Cambron, are designed to help you experience the all-inclusive story of who God is and how he is presented throughout the totality of Scripture....
God's Purpose for Your Marriage
Aaron & Jennifer Smith, authors of Marriage After God: Chasing Boldly After God's Purpose for Your Life Together (Zondervan, 2020), say, "Marriage is something God created to reveal his nature. Marriage is not man's idea, nor is it anything man could ever define. Marriage is a heavenly concept with divine implications...."
Sign Up to Receive Who Is in Charge of a World That Suffers?
Evangelist Billy Graham traveled the globe and wrestled with Scripture's answers to the perennial question: Who is in charge of this suffering world? His faith-filled insights provide comfort, reassurance, and hope in this 5-day free email devotional....
Bible Reflections: Be Forgetful
Forgetfulness isn't generally something we consider a virtue. Which is why it's a surprise that, in Isaiah 43, the prophet issues a call to "forget the former things; do not dwell on the past" (Isaiah 43:18 NIV)....
The Profound Impact of Relationships on Your Life
Dr. Dharius Daniels, author of Relational Intelligence: The People Skills You Need for the Life of Purpose You Want, says, "God sends certain people into our lives in certain seasons for certain reasons. However, while God sends them, we must see them. God releases them, and we must recognize them. God assigns them, and we must align them...."
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