Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Don’t miss this opportunity!

Share God’s Word in the Muslim world
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Dear Champion of the Bible,

We’re in the final days of a $100,000 challenge to reach the Muslim world. Don’t miss your opportunity to bring God’s Word to more people when your gift is paired with challenge funds!

Your generosity can reach into areas where millions have never heard the Gospel.

List Item In camps and communities of people who have had to flee their homes because of extremist violence, Biblica’s resource The Survivors: Kids in Tough Places helps children process their experience and discover God’s love.
List Item Our new contemporary Hausa translation has the potential to reach 60 million people in some of Africa’s most troubled nations.
List Item Translators are currently using our contemporary Arabic translation to translate the Bible into 200 other Arabic dialects that will reach an additional 300 million people.
List Item Reach4Life, our youth program, is teaching young people how to cope with challenges like sexuality and peer pressure and to develop a biblical worldview.
In these and many other ways, you can unlock the transforming power of God’s Word in an area of profound need. Please give while there’s still time!

Your partner in ministry,

Geof Morin Geof Morin


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