Sunday, August 29, 2021

Dallas Willard Daily Devotional- August 29, 2021

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Dallas Willard Daily Devotional
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The church, at its core, is meant to spread love and truth

Quite simply, there is no other social institution, no other arena of public life that remains exclusively devoted to the definition and proliferation of agape [love], truth, goodness, general welfare, and holistic flourishing than the church of Jesus Christ. If local churches and the professional ministers charged with their care are not focused and resolutely devoted to the promotion of these qualities and the character of individual leaders who embody them in the world, no other group, charity, agency, or institution is prepared and equipped to carry such a task to completion. Clearly, as Jesus rightly understood, the foundational knowledge of Christ and his reign as the Son of the living God builds up the body of Christ, his church, which provides an eternal life from the heavens against which the gates of hell haven't a chance of succeeding.

From The Divine Conspiracy Continued: Fulfilling God's Kingdom on Earth. Copyright © 2014 by Dallas Willard amd Gary Black Jr. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers.

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Knowing Christ Today

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Copyright 2016 © HarperOne. Drawn from the works of Dallas Willard. Used by permission.

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