Thursday, October 28, 2021

What Awaits You After Death?

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Zondervan Books
Lee Strobel

What Awaits You After Death?

By Lee Strobel (Bible Gateway blog)

My eyes fluttered. They opened and struggled to focus. My mind fought confusion. I was on my back, stretched out on a firm surface below a bright light. A face came into view, looking at me—a doctor, his surgical mask pulled down.

"You're one step away from a coma," he said. "Two steps away from dying...."

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Madison Prewett

Finding the Courage for Your Moment

By Madison Prewett (Bible Gateway Blog)

In recent months, I have felt strongly that God is raising up women of today to stand firm and carry an unshakable and unbreakable spirit of courage, using the skills and resources they possess to make an impact on this generation. There will always be people or situations that try to limit our impact, silence our voice, and keep us from our purpose. We need courage to stand up to people who oppose us, not only for ourselves but also for those who look up to us ...

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Karen Ehman

The Prison of People Pleasing

By Karen Ehman (Bible Gateway Blog)

The gymnasium at the big brick elementary school in my neighborhood was the site of many activities. We not only marched there for Friday afternoon physical education class, it doubled as our school cafeteria and tripled as our auditorium. (It should have been dubbed the "caf-e-gym-a-torium!") One day I might be up against the wall hoping to get picked early for a dodgeball team. Another day, I might be standing on a riser, singing alongside classmates at a school Christmas concert or spring recital. But most often, it was the place where I munched on my lunch ...

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Peace with the Psalms
Honest Advent
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