Friday, April 29, 2022

Jesus: The Word Made Flesh

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Zondervan Books
Andrew Klavan

Jesus: The Word Made Flesh

By Andrew Klavan (Bible Gateway Blog)

A work of art speaks a truth we can't speak outright: the truth of the human experience. Love, joy, grief, guilt, beauty—no words can communicate these. We can only represent them in stories and pictures and songs. Art is the way we speak the meaning of our lives.

Throughout the play Hamlet, the prince seeks the answer to Pontius Pilate's question: What is truth? How can we tell the difference between our prejudices, our assumptions, our feelings, and the reality around us? ...

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Shauna Niequist

My Lifeline of Prayer

By Shauna Niequist (Bible Gateway Blog)

Thomas Keller, one of my favorite chefs, has a way of thinking about recipes that I just love. He says the first time you use a recipe, do it exactly as written. Follow every direction, every measurement. That way, you taste what the recipe writer or the chef had in mind exactly. Then the next time, you rewrite the recipe in your own words as simply as possible—you're moving from their language to your language. Once you've rewritten the recipe your way, make the dish according to your new recipe. The third time, make it only from memory ...

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Jeremy Roloff

How Jeremy & Audrey Roloff Use Boundaries to Protect Their Love Story

By Jeremy Roloff (Boundaries Books blog)

Authors Henry Cloud and John Townsend define a boundary as "a property line." One of the functions of healthy boundaries is to protect the "property" of our relationship from trespassing. In Boundaries in Marriage, Cloud and Townsend write, "While many dynamics go into producing and maintaining love, over and over again one issue is at the top of the list ...

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