Friday, November 25, 2022

Dallas Willard Daily Devotional- November 25, 2022

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Dallas Willard Daily Devotional
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Growing in Grace

Now, growth in grace—in God acting in our life—is something we must plan for by regular engagement in activities that enable us to receive God's grace in all areas of our spirit (will), thoughts, feelings, body, social relations, and the deepest depths of our soul. We have been thoroughly "occupied" by sin—which is mainly just exaltation of "me," and the consequences thereof. Our intention as apprentices of Jesus is to become the kind of person who lives in the character and power of Christ. We must, then, do those things that will enable us to become that kind of person, from the inside out—through appropriate actions and practices.

Such actions and practices are "disciplines for the spiritual life." They are well known from observing Christ and his people. They include such practices as solitude, silence, fasting, study, worship, fellowship, prayer, and so forth. There is no complete list of such practices, though some are better known and widely practiced than others, because they are more central to breaking the power of indwelling sin and increasingly filling our life with grace. Disciplines are, in essence, activities in our power that enable us, by grace, to do what we cannot do by direct effort—by "just trying." We cannot, by just trying, succeed in loving our enemies and heartily blessing those who curse us. But by a wise practice of disciplines in the presence of Christ, we can become people who will routinely and easily do so.

From Renewing the Christian Mind: Essays, Interviews, and Talks. Copyright © 2016 by Willard Family Trust. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers.

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Copyright 2016 © HarperOne. Drawn from the works of Dallas Willard. Used by permission.

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