Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Today we are on the threshold of revival.

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Dear Champion of the Bible,

Pastor Suleimanov dedicated 16 years to reaching his Muslim neighbors with the Gospel. Through him, God had grown Hosanna Church into the largest Protestant church in the Russian Republic of Dagestan.

And one July evening, a group of gunmen murdered Pastor Suleimanov outside his church.

For decades, ministry in Dagestan was made hazardous by Muslim extremists. But in recent years, a miraculous change has been taking place. “Today we are on the threshold of revival,” says the current head of Hosanna Church, Pastor Nadiya.*

Around the world, God is at work in places where Christians are persecuted and the Gospel is suppressed. Today, I’m asking you to come alongside churches on the frontlines, like Hosanna Church, by providing Scripture resources for evangelism and discipleship — at an average of $10 to reach one person.

I’ve visited many of these churches and seen how great a task they’ve taken on — and how few resources they have.

They know that if their neighbors don’t learn about Jesus from them, most will never learn about Him at all. Their sense of urgency is matched only by their joy in serving God. And they look to you and me as essential partners in that work.

Please help Pastor Nadiya and other ministries on the frontlines of the Gospel by making a gift today. Remember, every $10 you can give reaches another mom or dad, son or daughter with God’s Word in a language and format they can engage with!

Your partner in ministry,

Geof Morin Geof Morin


*Pastor Nadiya’s identity has been changed for security.

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