Friday, May 31, 2024

Daily Devotional by John Piper- May 31, 2024

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Daily Devotional by John Piper

The Gain of Serving God

"They will become his slaves so that they may learn the difference between my service and the service of the kingdoms of the countries." (2 Chronicles 12:8)

Serving God is utterly different from serving anyone else.

God is extremely jealous that we understand this — and enjoy it. For example, he commands us, "Serve the Lord with gladness!" (Psalm 100:2). There is a reason for this gladness. It is given in Acts 17:25, "God is not served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all men life and breath and everything."

We serve him with gladness because we do not bear the burden of meeting his needs. Rather we rejoice in a service where he meets our needs. Serving God always means receiving grace from God.

To show how jealous God is for us to get this and glory in it, there is a story in 2 Chronicles 12. Rehoboam, the Son of Solomon, who ruled the southern kingdom after the revolt of the ten tribes, "forsook the law of the Lord" (12:1). He chose against serving the Lord and gave his service to other gods and other kingdoms. As judgment God sent Shishak, the king of Egypt, against Rehoboam with 1,200 chariots and 60,000 horsemen (12:3).

In mercy God sent the prophet Shemaiah to Rehoboam with this message: "Thus says the Lord, you abandoned me, so I have abandoned you to the hand of Shishak" (12:5). The happy upshot of that message is that Rehoboam and his princes humbled themselves in repentance and said, "The Lord is righteous" (12:6).

When the Lord saw that they humbled themselves, he said, "They have humbled themselves, so I will not destroy them, but I will grant them some deliverance, and my wrath shall not be poured out on Jerusalem by means of Shishak" (12:7). But as a discipline to them he says, "They will become his slaves so that they may learn the difference between my service and the service of the kingdoms of the countries" (12:8).

The point is plain: serving God is a receiving and a blessing and a joy and a benefit.

This is why I am so jealous to say that the worship of Sunday morning and the worship of daily obedience is not at bottom a burdensome giving to God but a joyful getting from God.

Bible Gateway Recommendations
A Godward Heart: Treasuring the God Who Loves You

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This devotional is written by John Piper. For more information about Piper's ministry, writing, and books, visit

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Verse of the Day - May 31, 2024

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Verse of the Day

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

Expanded Bible

The Lord himself will come down from heaven with a loud ·command [or shout], ·with [or accompanied by; or preceded by] the voice of the archangel [C a leading or ruling angel; Dan. 10:13; Jude 9], and with the trumpet call of God. And ·those who have died believing [L the dead] in Christ will rise first [1 Cor. 15:51–57]. After that, we who are ·still alive [or alive and are left] will be ·gathered [caught; taken] up with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And [L so; in this way] we will be with the Lord forever.

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Book Offer
The Expanded Bible, eBook

King James Version

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

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Book Offer
The King James Study Bible

La Biblia de las Américas

Pues el Señor mismo descenderá del cielo con voz de mando, con voz de arcángel y con la trompeta de Dios, y los muertos en Cristo se levantarán primero. Entonces nosotros, los que estemos vivos y que permanezcamos, seremos arrebatados juntamente con ellos en las nubes al encuentro del Señor en el aire, y así estaremos con el Señor siempre.

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Book Offer
LBLA Biblia de Estudios, Piel Imit. Marrón

La Biblia de las Américas

Pues el Señor mismo descenderá del cielo con voz de mando, con voz de arcángel y con la trompeta de Dios, y los muertos en Cristo se levantarán primero. Entonces nosotros, los que estemos vivos y que permanezcamos, seremos arrebatados juntamente con ellos en las nubes al encuentro del Señor en el aire, y así estaremos con el Señor siempre.

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Book Offer
LBLA Biblia de Estudios, Piel Imit. Marrón

New American Standard Bible

For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who remain, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.

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Read all of 1 Thessalonians 4

Book Offer
NASB, Life Application Study Bible, Second Edition

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Bible Gateway Recommendations
NIV, Chronological Study Bible, Hardcover

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Bible Gateway Verse of the Day

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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Daily Devotional by John Piper- May 30, 2024

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Daily Devotional by John Piper

Something to Boast About

For by grace you have been saved through faith. (Ephesians 2:8)

The New Testament correlates faith and grace to make sure that we do not boast in what grace alone achieves.

One of the most familiar examples goes like this: "For by grace you have been saved through faith" (Ephesians 2:8). By grace, through faith. There's the correlation that guards the freedom of grace.

Faith is the act of our soul that turns away from our own insufficiency to the free and all-sufficient resources of God. Faith focuses on the freedom of God to dispense grace to the unworthy. It banks on the bounty of God.

Therefore faith, by its very nature, nullifies boasting and fits with grace. Wherever faith looks, it sees grace behind every praiseworthy act. So it cannot boast, except in the Lord.

So Paul, after saying that salvation is by grace through faith, says, "And this is not of your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast" (Ephesians 2:8–9). Faith cannot boast in human goodness or competence or wisdom, because faith focuses on the free, all-supplying grace of God. Whatever goodness faith sees, it sees as the fruit of grace.

When it looks at our "wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption," it says, "Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord" (1 Corinthians 1:30–31).

Bible Gateway Recommendations
A Godward Heart: Treasuring the God Who Loves You

Did you find this devotional helpful and inspiring? Read the book for more!

Copyright Information

This devotional is written by John Piper. For more information about Piper's ministry, writing, and books, visit

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This email was sent to by Bible Gateway, 501 Nelson Place, Nashville, TN 37214 USA. This email is part of a devotional or newsletter that you signed up for on If you have questions or comments about this email, please contact us.


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