Day 227: Read today's devotional on Bible Gateway. David Spares Saul AgainDavid and Abishai went right into Saul's camp and found him asleep, with his spear stuck in the ground beside his head. Abner and the soldiers were lying asleep around him. "God has surely handed your enemy over to you this time!" Abishai whispered to David. "Let me pin him to the ground with one thrust of the spear; I won't need to strike twice!" "No!" David said. "Don't kill him. For who can remain innocent after attacking the Lord's anointed one?" (1 Samuel 26:7-9) ReflectWhy did David refuse to kill Saul? This wasn't the first time this happened for David. Others might have concluded God was making his will clear. Abishai was only trying to protect David, but David refused to kill Saul because he respected Saul's authority and position as God's anointed king. God had placed Saul in power and had not yet removed him. David was determined to follow God, and this meant refusing to murder Saul, even when he had perfect opportunities. David trusted God's timing. RespondOur strongest moral decisions are the ones we make before a tempting situation strikes. Who would you have been like in such a situation—David or David's men? To be like David and follow God, we must realize that we can't do wrong in order to execute justice. We can't do the wrong thing, even if it creates the right outcome. We must do God's work God's way. That means trusting God's timing, even if it takes longer. |
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