Friday, January 18, 2019

Put the Word of God into Practice in 2019



Lifehack Your Bible Study

Lifehacks Bible

Save on the NIV Lifehacks Bible today in the Bible Gateway Store!

The NIV Lifehacks Bible is a different kind of Bible — one that hopes to help you become a different kind of person.
There are lots of Bibles out there. You probably have a few. Some offer great historical insights. Some offer great study tools that help you understand complex passages. Some offer insight into the language, words, and meanings of Scripture.

But the NIV Lifehacks Bible offers something different...

It's a Bible to help you put your faith into immediate practice.

It's a Bible to help you become a person of spiritual discipline.

It's a Bible to help you take the Word of God and make it real in your day-to-day life.

Lifehack your Bible study in 2019 and become a different kind of person, one who puts the word of God into practice.



Features of the NIV Lifehacks Bible

Look inside...

1) 365 readings covering 30 life-changing habits

With topics like...
  • How to Find the Motivation to Change
  • Steps to Taming Your Tongue
  • 4 Tips for Making Wise Decisions
  • Tips for Taking Godly Criticism
  • 3 Tips for Achieving Godly Success
  • 9 Steps to Overcoming Sin

2) A subject index and habits index you can search for topics that interest you and work through the Bible by reading all the entries on a particular discipline
3) Maps and thought-provoking quotes to enhance your study

4) Practical & Everyday Takeaways the end of each reading so you can apply what you've learned in your every day life.


What makes the NIV Lifehacks Bible different from other study bibles?
The format of this Bible is rather unusual. Unlike many Bibles, it wasn’t compiled by a team of scholars to provide context and expound on nuances of Scripture. Instead, it’s designed with a narrow, but eternally significant, focus and purpose: to explain and illuminate what Scripture says about spiritual formation and to provide practical tips, techniques and suggestions to help develop those life-changing habits in your own life.

Take a look and see for yourself!
Here's an example of a "lifehack" from Matthew 7 on how to share your faith with others...

5 Skills for Sharing God’s Word

Read: Matthew 7:6
Habit: Evangelism

"By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail.” That quote, attributed to Ben Franklin, is useful advice for almost every area of life. But it is particularly true when it comes to evangelism. You can prepare to share the gospel by honing the following five skills:

1. The ability to be winsome in your communication — The manner in which we present the gospel is important. As pastor Leon Brown says, “Acting tactfully and behaving in a manner that is in keeping with our profession of faith and the name of Christ is something we need to do constantly in order to maintain our witness.”

2. The ability to clearly and concisely proclaim the gospel — You can’t share the message of the gospel if you don’t know what it is. Whether you put the gospel into your own words (see “How to Explain the Gospel in Your Own Words” on page 1359) or rely on other models (see “10 Models for Explaining the Gospel” on page 1201), prepare what you are going to say. Memorize your explanation and practice reciting it until you can communicate it effectively.

3. The ability to explain the gospel against basic objections — To explain the faith, you don’t need to be an apologist with a PhD or be able to answer every conceivable criticism about Christianity. You need only to be prepared and have a game plan for the common objections you’ll face when sharing the faith (see “How to Explain the Faith in 3 Simple Steps” on page 1260).

4. The ability to dialogue about the gospel — Once you’ve shared the gospel and, if necessary, answered basic objections, you’ll need the ability to know how to keep the conversation going. What do you say, for instance, if someone asks, as the jailer did Paul and Silas, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” (Ac 16:30). (See “3 Simple Steps to Salvation” on page 1339).

5. The ability to engage wisely — One of the most difficult tasks in evangelism is knowing how to apply Matthew 7:6. “Jesus is obviously not telling his followers not to preach to certain kinds of people,” explains Craig Blomberg, “but he does recognize that after sustained rejection and reproach, it is appropriate to move on to others.”

PRACTICAL TAKEAWAY: To confidently share God’s Word, you need to be prepared, be winsome and be wise.

Choose the format that fits you best...

Lifehacks Hardcover

Hardcover Version

List Price: $34.99

Sale Price: $10.99


Black Cover

Black/Grey Leathersoft

List Price: $49.99

Sale Price: $33.49


Blue Leather

Blue/Green Leathersoft

List Price: $49.99

Sale Price: $17.99





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