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Isaiah 43:14-45:10 14 The Holy One of Israel, the Eternal One who redeemed you, says, Eternal One: For your good, I will send another against Babylon and make all of them outcasts from their own land; The Chaldeans will set sail and try to escape on their celebrated ships. 15 For I am the Eternal, your Holy One. I am your King, Creator of Israel, My people. 16 This is what the Eternal One says, the One who does the impossible, the One who makes a path through the sea, a smooth road through tumultuous waters, 17 The One who drags out chariots and horses, armies and warriors, and drowns them in the sea— They will go down, never to rise again; their lives are snuffed out like a candle wick: The prophet appeals to a powerful memory: the exodus. He reminds God's people—all descendants of slaves in Egypt—how God liberated them from oppression, how God devastated the powerful army that pursued them in order to take them back to the whip and lash, back to servitude in Egypt. Stories of the exodus have been told time after time for many generations; they are permanent fixtures in their minds. The prophet evokes these amazing memories to comfort them and assure them that what God is about to do is like what God did do for their ancestors centuries ago. 18 Eternal One: Don't revel only in the past, or spend all your time recounting the victories of days gone by. 19 Watch closely: I am preparing something new; it's happening now, even as I speak, and you're about to see it. I am preparing a way through the desert; Waters will flow where there had been none. 20 Wild animals in the fields will honor Me; the wild dogs and surly birds will join in. There will be water enough for My chosen people, trickling springs and clear streams running through the desert. 21 My people, the ones whom I chose and created for My own, will sing My praise. 22 In truth, you never really called upon me, did you, Jacob, My people? So how then could you be tired of Me, Israel, My own? 23 You didn't present Me with sheep for burnt offerings or acknowledge Me in sacrifices. I didn't tire you by demanding so many gifts of offerings and incense. 24 No sweet cane, no money or glorious excess have you given to Me. You didn't even try to satisfy Me with the fat of your sacrifices. Instead, you tired Me with your sins—bloodshed and lies, crimes and offenses; you wore Me down with all your belligerence and faults. 25 So let's get this clear: it's for My own sake that I save you. I am He who wipes the slate clean and erases your wrongdoing. I will not call to mind your sins anymore. 26 Now help Me remember. Let's get this settled. State your case, and prove to Me that you are in the right. 27 From the very beginning your founding father sinned, then your leaders defied My laws and instructions. 28 So I brought disgrace on the princes of your sanctuary, your priests. I turned them over to barbarian assault, Leaving Jacob to the batterers, Israel to humiliation. 44 Eternal One: Nevertheless, listen to Me, My people: Jacob, My servant; Israel, My chosen. 2 The Eternal who made you, who formed you in the womb and promised to help you, has this to say: Eternal One: Don't be afraid, My servant Jacob, My dear Jeshurun—My chosen. 3 Like a devoted gardener, I will pour sweet water on parched land, streams on hard-packed ground; I will pour My spirit on your children and grandchildren— and let My blessing flow to your descendants. 4 And they will sprout among the grasses, grow vibrant and tall like the willow trees lining a riverbank. 5 One will call out: "I belong to the Eternal." Another will say, "Jacob is my people; Israel my honored name." Yet others will write "Property of the Eternal" on their hands. 6 The Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies, King of Israel, who paid their ransom, has this to say: Eternal One: I am at the beginning and will be at the end. There is no God except for Me. 7 If you know any God like Me, tell it now. Declare and demonstrate any who can compare to Me. Or if you know and have announced events before their time, told what is to come, then speak so now. 8 Don't be afraid. Let your minds be clear of fear. Haven't I announced events and revealed what is to come? From the earliest days, I have done so. You know it—you have seen and know. So, go ahead, My witnesses: is there a god out there other than Me? Witnesses: There is no other rock like God. I don't know a single one. All of the nations that Israel encounters are involved in some form of idol worship. They imagine these gods and fashion these images in order to satisfy a desire—a God-given desire—to connect with something, with someone out there. Human beings know at some deep, intuitive level that God exists, life is sacred, and there are mysteries more profound than the daily grind. This is why every human civilization exhibits some form of religious life and devotion. But instead of seeking the God who is, people have a tendency to create the gods they want, gods that give them control over the complexities and problems of life. Israel is elected by God for a number of reasons. Perhaps two of the most significant are to bear witness to the one True God and to warn the nations against idolatry. According to Scripture, idol worship is not some neutral, unfortunate habit people get themselves into; it is more than just a waste of time, hope, and effort. It is a dangerous substitute—a counterfeit experience—that adversely misshapes and disorders their lives. To persist in idolatry is to give way to malevolent evils and to miss out on a relationship with the one True God. 9 But whoever does make an idol is not improved or enriched. On the contrary, their passing fancies contribute nothing of value or purpose. Those who look on at such misplaced attention don't understand what they're seeing, and the idol-makers will end up embarrassed at best. 10 It's easy to say, "What pathetic idiocy! Who would do such a thing—make gods that are by definition worthless?" 11 The people who worship them will be shamed and humiliated. After all, people made those gods. Yet it happens all the time. So, let's put these images, these figurines all together; stand them up—they will tremble with terror and be ashamed. 12 A metalworker shapes the raw materials into tools and then uses them to make little gods by hammering, bending, heating, and cooling the materials. And in the process, he gets tired and hungry; without water he soon grows faint. 13 Likewise, the woodworker measures and marks the wood, chisels and planes it down, marks it with a compass, and carves it until it looks a bit like a human—lovely, maybe—in order to put it in a house. 14 To take it back a bit further, perhaps he cuts down cedars or he carefully selects the cypress or oak himself, watches it, nurtures it until it is ready for his purpose. Perhaps he plants a pine; with sun and rain, it grows tall. 15 When it's time to harvest, he uses some of the wood for fuel to stay warm, some to heat the oven and bake bread, and some to craft a god. Then the woodworker bows down and worships before the image he just made. 16-17 Do you see the irony? He sits around, warming himself and roasting dinner with wood from the same tree from which he crafted a god to which he bows and worships and prays—one time saying, "I am warmed by the wood fire"; another time saying, "O dear god, save me." 18-19 So we see again how it is that they're blind—their eyes shut to the truth in front of them, their hearts and minds refusing to think and really understand what's going on. So without stopping to think about it, the fool says, "Gosh, I used half of the wood to build a fire, and baked the bread and roasted the meat over its hot coals. After I eat, I think I'll use the rest of it to make a repulsive god. Maybe I'll bow down to this leftover lumber." 20 A fool like this is feeding on ashes—his addled mind and deceived heart lead him nowhere. He can't figure out how to save himself, much less see the error of his ways and say, "Is this idol in my right hand just a lie?" Eternal One: Let that be a lesson to you, My people. 21 Don't forget it, Jacob; O Israel, remember—you are Mine. I made you; you are My servant; I will not forget you. 22 I have swept away your wrongdoing, as wind sweeps a cloud from the sky: I have cleared you of your sins, as the sun clears the morning mist. I have rescued you; come back to Me. 23 Sing, starry sky and every constellation, for what the Eternal has done. Shout for joy, dark soil underfoot and deep caverns below; Erupt in joyful songs, mountains and forests, and every tree in them! Sing joyfully, for the Eternal One has rescued Jacob, His people; The splendor of God will be revealed in Israel. 24 The Eternal, your rescuing hero who formed you before birth, declares, Eternal One: I am the Eternal, Creator of all there is and will be. I alone stretched out the heavens and spread out the blue earth. 25 I confound the lying swindlers who claim to tell the future, and I make the fortune-tellers look like fools. I stop the highbrow intellectuals in their tracks, and I show the fault of their reasoning. 26 But I stand behind the words of My servants, and I accomplish what they predict. The one who says about Jerusalem, "This place will be built up again"; about Judah's cities, "They will be restored": I confirm their predictions. They will rise from their ruins. 27 After all, I am the One who needs only to say "Dry up" to great waters, and your rivers run dry. 28 I am the one who says of the Persian victor over Babylon, "Cyrus is My shepherd. He will accomplish what I determine." My word goes out concerning Jerusalem: "It will stand, a glorious city, again" and of My house within it, "Restoration will begin at once." 45 This is what the Eternal One says to His chosen agent, Cyrus the Persian. God has a special mission for Cyrus, the Persian emperor: to lead the world and free His exiled people. The Scripture is clear: God, not kings, directs history. Kings—and sometimes their subjects—often need to be reminded of that. The Eternal, the one True God, stands above and behind human history, directing and orchestrating its events. Eternal One: Not by his hand alone, but with his in Mine, nations are vanquished, their leaders conquered; Doors and gates open without a fight and will not close. 2 (to Cyrus) I will go ahead of you and smooth the way, lower the heights, break down bronze doors, and cut through iron bars. 3 I will give you hidden treasures and wealth tucked away in secret places; I will reveal them to you. Then you will know that I am the Eternal, the God of Israel, who calls you by name. 4 For the sake of My servant Jacob, My chosen people Israel, I have called you by name, made you who you are, And bestowed an honorable title on you, even though you don't know Me. 5 I am the Eternal One; there is no other God but Me, and even though you don't know Me, I am preparing you for victory. 6 I am doing all this so that people all around the world may know that I alone am the Eternal, the only God. 7 I form light and create darkness; I make what is good, happy, and healthy, and I create woe. I, the Eternal One, make them one and all. 8 Skies above, open up and let the clouds rain down righteousness! Let the earth below sprout triumph and justice. For I, the Eternal, have created them. 9 How bad it will be for anyone who disputes with the very One who created him! After all, a human being is nothing more than one clay pot among many. Imagine the clay saying to the potter, "What do you think you're doing?" or "You don't have the hands for this." 10 It's as idiotic as asking a mother or father, "What are you birthing or begetting?" The Voice (VOICE) The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved. Ephesians 3 For Paul there are two kinds of people: Jews and Gentiles, or to put it another way, insiders and outsiders. The Prince of Peace is establishing peace where division and hostility once ruled unchallenged. In the Jerusalem temple, a stone wall separated Jewish from non-Jewish worshipers. According to Paul, the cross is God's instrument to dismantle the wall, end the segregation, and make the two into one. God wants one people of God. That has been His plan all along. Today walls continue to exist, erected strategically to separate people by race, religion, class, culture, and sex. Those who erect these walls, protect them, and maintain them will find that they are enemies of the gospel that brings all together into one worshiping family. 3 All this is exactly why I, Paul, am a prisoner of Jesus the Anointed, His representative to the outsider nations. 2 You have heard, haven't you, how God appointed me to bring you His message of grace? 3 And how the mystery was made known to me in a revelation? I briefly wrote about it earlier. 4 When you read what I have written, you will be better able to understand the depth of my insight into the mystery of the Anointed One, 5 a mystery that has never before been shown to past generations. Only now are these secrets being revealed to God's chosen emissaries and prophets through the Holy Spirit. 6 Specifically, the mystery is this: by trusting in the good news, the Gentile outsiders are becoming fully enfranchised members of the same body, heirs alongside Israel, and beneficiaries of the promise that has been fulfilled through Jesus the Anointed. 7 I became a servant and preacher of this gospel by the gift of God's grace as He exercised His amazing power over me. 8 I cannot think of anyone more unworthy to this cause than I, the least of the least of the saints. But here I am, a grace-made man, privileged to be an echo of His voice and a preacher to all the nations of the riches of the Anointed One, riches that no one ever imagined. 9 I am privileged to enlighten all of Adam's descendants to the mystery concealed from previous ages by God, the Creator of all, through Jesus the Anointed. 10 Here's His objective: through the church, He intends now to make known His infinite and boundless wisdom to all rulers and authorities in heavenly realms. 11 This has been His plan from the beginning, one that He has now accomplished through the Anointed One, Jesus our Lord. 12 His faithfulness to God has made it possible for us to have the courage we need and the ability to approach the Father confidently. 13 So I ask you not to become discouraged because I am jailed for speaking out on your behalf. In fact, my suffering is something that brings you glory. 14 It is for this reason that I bow my knees before the Father, 15 after whom all families in heaven above and on earth below receive their names, and pray: 16 Father, out of Your honorable and glorious riches, strengthen Your people. Fill their souls with the power of Your Spirit 17 so that through faith the Anointed One will reside in their hearts. May love be the rich soil where their lives take root. May it be the bedrock where their lives are founded so that together 18-19 with all of Your people they will have the power to understand that the love of the Anointed is infinitely long, wide, high, and deep, surpassing everything anyone previously experienced. God, may Your fullness flood through their entire beings. This is a doxology of praise to the One with power that is beyond understanding. 20 Now to the God who can do so many awe-inspiring things, immeasurable things, things greater than we ever could ask or imagine through the power at work in us, 21 to Him be all glory in the church and in Jesus the Anointed from this generation to the next, forever and ever. Amen. The Voice (VOICE) The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved. Psalm 68:1-18 Psalm 68For the worship leader. A song of David.Psalm 68 is a hymn describing God as a Divine Warrior, marching from Sinai through the wilderness to make His home in Jerusalem. 1 May the True God rise up and show Himself; may those who are united against Him be dispersed, while the people who hate Him run away at the sight of Him. 2 As smoke disappears when it is blown by the wind, may You blow away Your enemies forever. As wax melts in the presence of fire, may the wicked heart melt away in God's presence. 3 But may those who are righteous rejoice in the presence of the True God—so may they be glad and rejoice. Yes, let them celebrate with joy! 4 Sing songs of praise to the name that belongs to the True God! Let your voices ring out in songs of praise to Him, the One who rides through the deserted places. His name is the Eternal; celebrate in His glorious presence. 5 The True God who inhabits sacred space is a father to the fatherless, a defender of widows. 6 He makes a home for those who are alone. He frees the prisoners and leads them to prosper. Yet those who rebel against Him live in the barren land without His blessings and prosperity. 7 O True God, when You led Your enslaved people from Egypt, when You journeyed with us through the wilderness, 8 The whole world trembled! The sky poured down rain at the power of Your presence; even Mount Sinai trembled in Your presence, the presence of the True God, the God of Israel. 9 You sent a heavy downpour to soak the ground, O True God. You refreshed the land—the land Your people would inherit—when it was parched and dry. 10 Your covenant people made their homes in the land, and because You are so good, You provided for those crushed by poverty, O True God. 11 The Lord gives the word; there are very many women ready to tell the good news: 12 "Kings who lead the armies are on the run! They are on the run! And the woman who stays at home is ready, too, ready to enjoy the treasures that they've left behind!" 13 When they lay down among the campfires and open the saddlebags, imagine what they'll find— a beautiful dove, its wings covered with silver, its feathers a shimmering gold. 14 When the Almighty scattered the kings from that place, it was snowing in Zalmon. 15 O Mount Bashan, you mighty mountain of the True God; mountain of many peaks, O Mount Bashan. 16 Why are you so jealous, O mountain of many peaks, when you look at the mountain the True God has chosen as His dwelling place? The Eternal will surely abide on Mount Zion forever. 17 The chariots of God are innumerable; there are thousands upon thousands of them. The Lord is in their midst, just as He was at Mount Sinai. He has come into the holy place. 18 When You ascended the sacred mountain, with Your prisoners in tow, Your captives in chains, You sat in triumph receiving gifts from men, Even from those who rebel against You, so that You, the Eternal God, might take up residence there. The Voice (VOICE) The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved. Proverbs 24:1-2 The abuse of alcohol is as ancient as the first batch of Egyptian beer or the first sip of Noah's wine (Genesis 9:20–21). Its wide availability today has made for binge drinking on college campuses, underage drinking by young teens, drunk driving on city streets, and alcoholic rants and abuse in the home. The sage offers a tragic description of a young man who goes from drink to drink and cannot get his bearings in life. Too many people lose so much life in an alcoholic stupor. 24 Do not envy evil people or seek their friendship; 2 For they are conniving and violent, and all they talk about is causing trouble. The Voice (VOICE) The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved. | | | | Bible Gateway Recommendations | | | | | |
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