Monday, September 23, 2019

URGENT: Children in the Muslim world need Bibles

A $5,000 Challenge Grant means twice as many children in the Muslim world can now receive God’s Word
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Send a Bible to a Child in the Muslim World

Dear Christ-follower,

There’s a story you’ll never hear on the news…

All around the world, children of the Muslim world are turning to Christ like never before!

And the greatest gift you can give a child in a Muslim country is a Bible, so he or she can know God’s life-changing and unconditional love.

Sadly, though, children’s Bibles are very scarce in Muslim-dominated regions.

But today you have the chance to reach kids with God’s truth!

However, the window of opportunity to reach these precious children won’t be open forever, so we must act now while we can.

Here’s why…

  • Influence of Islam: Children in Muslim countries are being shaped by a culture that is hostile toward Christianity. They rarely hear about Jesus and His life-changing love.
  • Openness to the Gospel: Children are most receptive to the Gospel between the ages of 4 and 14. We must reach them now while they are ready to give their hearts to Jesus.
  • Increasing persecution: As persecution and government restrictions increase, it may become even more difficult to share Bibles and the love of Jesus in Muslim countries.
Photo of Girl Reading Bible Story
Just $8 will put a Bible in the hands of 2 children in the Muslim world, when paired with the Challenge Grant.

Send a child a Bible

That’s why it’s so urgent that we act now to reach as many children in Muslim countries as possible.

It takes just $8 to put a children’s Bible into the hands of a child in the Muslim world… in key countries in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.

The children’s Bible provided through the David Caleb Cook Foundation—called The Action Bible–was uniquely created to connect with the hearts and minds of children worldwide.

The great news is a $5,000 Challenge Grant will allow your gift to go TWICE as far to transform TWICE as many children’s lives with God’s Word.

Your gift of $48 would normally send 6 Bibles for $8 each. But when paired with the Grant, your gift today will go even further, sharing God’s Word with 12 children who desperately need to know Jesus!

If we fully meet this Challenge Grant by October 7, you’ll help to reach more than 1,250 children in Muslim countries with God’s Word–so your gift today is especially important.

But let me tell you something else you probably don’t know…

  • Islam is now the fastest-growing religion in the world.
  • Research trends predict Muslims will surpass Christians as the world’s largest religious group by 2060.

So do you see why reaching children in Muslim countries with the truth of the Gospel is so critical and timely right now?

We simply must continue to reach the Muslim world with the light of God’s Word… especially the children… who are the next generation to shape the world around us.

Read how Emme’s life changed when she received her first Bible:

“I was reading about Jesus and the lost sheep one day, and I just knew that was me! I got it for the first time. Finally, I told my dad that I wanted Jesus in my heart.”

You have the opportunity to show more children like Emme that there’s hope in Jesus–before their world teaches them otherwise.

So please give now to provide children in Muslim countries with their own personal copies of The Action Bible–knowing your gift will go TWICE as far with the $5,000 Challenge Grant.

And as God radically transforms children’s hearts, they will begin to transform their families… their communities… and eventually, the entire Muslim world.

Don't wait.

God uses faithful Christians like you and me to accomplish His plans and reach the children He loves dearly. YOU can be a part of that!

Give a child in the Muslim world a Bible and the hope of Christ today!

Thank you for helping reach the next generation!

Photo of Gary Hopwood

Gary Hopwood
Executive Director
David Caleb Cook Foundation

Send a Bible to a child

David Caleb Cook Foundation Logo

The Action Bible is a superb tool for getting children and young people to engage with God’s Word on a daily basis. God has used The Action Bible to transform lives by highlighting the message of the Gospel. Thank you for making available such great resources for evangelism and discipleship!” 
—Rev. Emilio A. Reyes, Vice President, Latin America at One Hope

About The David Caleb Cook Foundation:
The David Caleb Cook Foundation is part of the 144-year-old David C Cook Ministry family and collaborates with partners and donors to reach millions of the world’s most vulnerable children through evangelism, Bible engagement, and discipleship. Click here to reach children in Muslim countries with God’s Word!

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