Wednesday, February 26, 2020

How My Loss and a Good God Can Coexist

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Zondervan Books
Katherine Wolf

How My Loss and a Good God Can Coexist

By Katherine Wolf (Bible Gateway Blog)

It's human nature to rebel against losing what defines us. Our deepest animal urges demand that we store up anything that sustains our sense of identity and helps us keep on living into our desired future. The fear of loss can paralyze us, and redefining it may be the hardest redefining of them all. But losing something familiar or precious can also help us let go of the illusion of control and the weight of expectations that have ruled us our whole lives....

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Craig Groeschel

So You Want to Be Useful to God …

By Craig Groeschel (Bible Gateway Blog)

At the ripe old age of twenty-seven, I felt called by God to start a new church. My wife, Amy, shared my vision, so we dreamed together and moved forward with a plan. We chose a name for our new church and filed the paperwork. We recruited friends who had already expressed interest in joining us and printed invitations for others we hoped to enlist as we got our new church off the ground.

To say that we were idealistic would be an understatement....

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Dr. Dharius Daniels

The Profound Impact of Relationships on Your Life

By Dr. Dharius Daniels (Bible Gateway Blog)

Every single area of your life is inevitably impacted by your relationships. Your spiritual, physical, financial, emotional, and professional progress is tied and tethered to who you allow to be a part of and influence your life. Therefore, if you are serious about taking your life to the next level, you should be serious about taking your relationships to the next level....

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Rebecca Bender

My Escape from Slavery ... in America

By Rebecca Bender (Bible Gateway Blog)

I knew I needed professional help if I wanted to get my life together and my little girl back. Bryan my pimp was furious about the hospital incident due to my drug overdose and kept his distance, spending time with his other girls. Yet somehow he convinced me that it was my drug use that caused all the prostitution, and that he wanted me to go to rehab because he loved me. I called my mom and got a list of women's rehabs in the Pacific Northwest that she'd compiled for me. Last on the list was Victory Outreach, a Christian women's home....

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