Tuesday, April 28, 2020

This online evangelism training is 50% off πŸŽ‰

Want to more effectively reach your loved ones? Learn how to respond to those in other religions? Know how to answer skeptics’ tough questions?
Learn online how to share your faith

Join over 20,000 students! 101 amazing lessons.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Living Waters is temporarily offering 50% off of the normal tuition to make it more practical and affordable for you to enroll.

Want to more effectively reach your loved ones? Learn how to respond to those in other religions? Know how to answer skeptics’ tough questions? Join Ray Comfort and Living Waters’ online School of Biblical Evangelism to get more thoroughly equipped. Call it a silver lining, but because we’re forced to stay home with all the craziness in the world, a window of time has opened in our lives to do things we never could before. Rather than losing yourself in Netflix, you could redeem the time by investing it into your spiritual growth.

The school’s 101 lessons are viewable on all mobile devices, offer interactive questions and answers, track lesson progress, and so much more.

The school allows you to move at your own pace, with no rushed deadlines. The lessons are divided into 15+ courses that cover a wide range of topics designed to help you become a better equipped and more effective soul-winner.

If you’re looking to go deeper in your understanding of evangelism, apologetics, world religions, cults, and theology, this course has just what you’re looking for!

Join more than 20,000 students from around the world who have enrolled in the online school, to better reach your world for Christ.



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