Monday, August 31, 2020

Hope That Does Not Disappoint

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Zondervan Books
Megan Fate Marshman

Hope That Does Not Disappoint

By Megan Fate Marshman (Coping with Crisis)

I was in an important room for an important meeting with very important people. I was made aware of all this importance when we were instructed to go around and share resumés, proving why each of us deserved to be in the room. Of course, the leader of the meeting didn't say it so bluntly, but it was obvious everyone understood the prompt based on their responses.

The guy to my right went first ...

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Chrystal Evans Hurst

Approaching Prayer with Thanksgiving and Praise

By Chrystal Evans Hurst (Bible Gateway Blog)

Sometimes when we go to God in prayer, we do it with a big laundry list of what we want God to do for us! (Not me, of course. Other people.) And thankfully, God is gracious to hear and receive our prayers for what we need and want.

But what if we first focused on ...

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Jeff Shinabarger

The Third Great Love in Your Marriage

By Jeff Shinabarger (Bible Gateway Blog)

Learning to love the purpose of your partner is one of the greatest gifts you can ever give. But this learning is a process. Even though André and I may be drawn to very different work, we can still be drawn toward each other. Sometimes love has a funny way of bringing two unlikely people with dissimilar passions together in a beautiful way. It is in loving each other, loving what we do, and loving each other's purpose that a lifetime of true partnership is created....

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The 10 Laws of Boundaries
Coping with Crisis
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