Friday, August 28, 2020

Weekly Brief: If 100 Christians Represented All of Global Christianity; more news...

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Weekly Brief is your 1-minute smart and fast report to keep you informed of important Bible-related trends, statistics, articles, and pivotal happenings on the Web and at Bible Gateway. Forward to your friends and share with your followers to encourage them to subscribe.


How Jesus Modeled Change: An Interview with Hal Donaldson


Do you observe a need to instigate a change in your immediate environment but are unsure how to move beyond pity, helplessness, and outrage? Do you wonder what one person can really do to enact the profound change the world needs? Bible Gateway interviewed Hal Donaldson, who, along with Kirk Noonan and Lindsay Donaldson, is the author of Disruptive Compassion: Becoming the Revolutionary You Were Born to Be (Zondervan, 2019).


What Does the Bible Say About Atonement?: An Interview with Joshua M. McNall


The Bible presents the mystery of salvation through Jesus Christ in several images. What if those separate images were fit together to comprise one grand impression of Christ's saving work while also allowing each piece to retain its recognizable particularity? Bible Gateway interviewed Joshua M. McNall about his book, The Mosaic of Atonement: An Integrated Approach to Christ's Work (Zondervan, 2019).

Don't Wait! Join the Free 30 Days to Understanding the Bible Online Bible Study!


Start your journey to master the Bible! The problem most of us have with the Bible is that we started out studying the details without ever getting the big picture. It's no wonder we're confused! In this free Online Bible Study, from the book 30 Days to Understanding the Bible (Thomas Nelson, 2018), pastor and commentary editor Max Anders will guide you in seeing the Bible's big picture, helping you comprehend a manageable amount of vital information along the way. In the six weeks of the study, you'll enjoy a complete understanding of the story of the Bible and the core teachings that Christians have held onto throughout the centuries, all presented in distinct bite-sized pieces.



2020 is the Year Of The Bible. Select the free Bible Reading Plan that's right for you this year.


How to Choose the Best Study Bible


Jeffrey Kranz, founder of OverviewBible, says a study Bible "is the centerpiece of serious Bible study. For many Christians, this book is not only the tool where every Bible study session starts and ends, but it's a key resource for prayer, reflection, teaching, and spiritual growth." In this video, he explores questions that will help you zero in on how to choose the study Bible that's best for you....


Approaching Prayer with Thanksgiving and Praise


Chrystal Evans Hurst, author of The 28-Day Prayer Journey: A Daily Guide to Conversations with God (Zondervan, 2020), says, "Here's the real deal: when you praise God, you don't need a bunch of religious fanfare. Just tell him what you think about him that's good. Compliment him like you would compliment a friend...."

How to Live The Bible — Time for Rest


In this 119th lesson on how to live the Bible, pastor and author Dr. Mel Lawrenz says, "Work is an important principle of life, but it's not the only principle. God allows rest, even demands it...." If you want to know how to live the Bible every day, read this installment of his series on our Blog and encourage your friends and followers to receive it by email.

Browse the Personal Growth section in the FaithGateway Store.


Spiritual Lessons Christians and Jews Share During the High Holy Days


With the Jewish High Holy Days starting September 18, guest columnist Yael Eckstein, president and CEO of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, says it's a time of introspection and prayer for Jews and Christians alike—a chance for meaningful change, repentance, and reconnecting with God....

[Sign up to receive the free Days of Repentance 10-day free email daily devotional that includes a Hebrew Word of the Day]


See These and Other Bestsellers in the FaithGateway Store


If 100 Christians Represented All of Global Christianity


According to the World Christian Encyclopedia, the global Christian population totals 2.5 billion people. To help in the comprehension of that number, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary's Center for the Study of Global Christianity has compressed it into this graphic as if 100 Christians represented all of global Christianity...

Bible Word Study Made Easy: A Conversation with Dr. Bill Mounce—Video #1 Getting Started


In this first of three video conversations, biblical Greek Bible scholar Bill Mounce, author of Greek for the Rest of Us: The Essentials of Biblical Greek (Zondervan, 2013). and Mounce Reverse-Interlinear New Testament (available free on Bible Gateway), explains that Bible translations are good and needed, how to compare Bible translations, and how knowing a little of the biblical Greek language can help you study Scripture.

Reading the Bible in multiple languages and multiple versions is always just a click away online at Bible Gateway and in print from the FaithGateway Store, where you'll save money while supporting the ministry of Bible Gateway when making a purchase.

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Bible Gateway Recommendations
NIV Student Bible

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