Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Will you help a teen like Diya follow Christ?

Summer Surge 2021: Impact Your World
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Summer Surge 2021: Impact Your World for the Rising Generations!
Dear Champion of the Bible,

All her life, people told Diya* she would never amount to anything. A low-caste Indian girl living in poverty had no reason to be hopeful about the future.

Diya is a member of “Generation Zero,” the rising generation of children and teens who have almost zero access to the Bible and zero access to the Gospel. As we kick off Summer Surge 2021, Biblica’s three-month drive to reach 50,000 people with God’s Word, will you give Generation Zero the tools to know and follow Jesus Christ?

It costs an average of just $7 to help a young person like Diya connect to God’s Word, engage with His plan, and stay on the path to spiritual maturity.

Through a sports ministry that partners with Biblica, supporters like you gave Diya a copy of The Game of Life, an easy-to-read book pairing Luke and Acts with testimonies from Christian athletes and other teaching. Soon after our new Bengali translation was complete, Diya also received her very own Bible!

“Because of The Game of Life and my Bible, I know I can accomplish my dreams,” she says now.

And you know that when we disciple youth like Diya, they go on to share Christ with their friends, families, and communities. Diya loves to tell other girls at her school about Jesus and the hope He offers for their futures—in this way, God multiplies the impact of your support!
Will you make your June Summer Surge gift today to help young people around the world build a lasting relationship with Jesus Christ?

Your partner in ministry,

Geof Morin Geof Morin

*Diya’s name has been changed for her safety.


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