Monday, August 2, 2021

60 new Bible translations in just 7 years?

YOU can help make it possible!
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Summer Surge 2021: Impact Your World. Accelerate Bible Translation!
Dear Champion of the Bible,

What if you could help put God’s Word into 60 languages for the first time—all within just seven years?

Let me explain. Farsi is the official language of Iran, but less than half of Iranians speak it as their first language. The rest think and dream in one of 60 other languages, none of which has a full Bible yet.

But Farsi is one of the world’s 100 Gateway Languages—the major languages that many smaller dialects are based on and millions of people speak as a second or third language.

Local church members are eager to have the Scriptures in their first language. With training and free access to Biblica’s contemporary Farsi text, they can produce their own accurate translations in just a few years.

When you support Biblica through a gift today, you’ll equip our local translation partners to provide the text, tools, and training.

And good news! A $100,000 challenge fund from a generous friend will double the impact of your gift as long as you give by August 31.

This is an exciting opportunity to accelerate Bible translation in one of the world’s most difficult places. Will you give today?

Your partner in ministry,

Geof Morin Geof Morin


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