Thursday, October 14, 2021

Friend, your gift doubles in impact in closed nations

Your gift sends twice the Bibles today
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Great Commission 2020
Help disciple 90,000 people!
Dear Champion of the Bible,

A staff member at our partner ministry in Iran was on the phone with Heydar, a new believer, when there was a sudden commotion and Heydar was gone. Horrified, the staff member heard the sounds of violence in the background as the phone stayed on.

No one knew what was happening until a new voice spoke on the phone.

Friend, the church is growing in areas of intense persecution like Iran. Will you be part of an ambitious plan to disciple at least 90,000 men, women, and children this fall?

Your gift today will double in impact through a $50,000 challenge gift from a generous partner, providing twice as many audio Bibles and Bibles on USB and SD cards across the Muslim world—a safer, easier, and less expensive way to get God's Word into people's hands.

Will you make your best gift now?
$35 ($70 impact)
$50 ($100 impact)
$100 ($200 impact)
$250 ($500 impact)
My best gift (double impact)

The new speaker said, “I have beaten Heydar so bad that there is a river of blood here. You guys are dangerous for Iran. We don't need your Bibles. We don't need your lies.”

For months, our partners did not hear from Heydar. Then the phone rang. It was Heydar's cousin.

“We just wanted to let you know that today, Heydar was executed under the guise of being a drug dealer," the cousin said. "But he had never touched drugs. We took his body and we are here in his house, and there are about 30 or 40 village leaders here, and we all want to give our hearts to Christ.”

It reminds you of the book of Acts, doesn't it? And you can be a part of the story today by providing the print, audio, and digital Bibles and Scripture resources that new believers need to give their faith deep roots.

Please make your best gift now to double in impact through the challenge!

Your partner in ministry,

Geof Morin Geof Morin


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