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Zechariah 2-3 2 That night I had a third vision. I looked up and saw a man with a measuring line in his hand. Zechariah: 2 Where are you going with that? Surveyor: I am going to measure the city of Jerusalem to find out how wide and how long it is so that a wall may be built around it. A third vision looks forward to a time of restoration and the coming of God's Anointed One when things will be set right. 3 Then the heavenly messenger who had been answering my questions since my first vision left my side, and a second messenger came and met him. Second Messenger: 4 Go quickly, and tell that young surveyor with the measuring line, "Jerusalem will be a city without walls because of the vast number of people and all their domesticated animals living in it." 5 For the Eternal One says, "Instead of a wall of stone, I will be a wall of fire protecting her all around, and I will be the shining glory within her." Eternal One (to Zechariah): 6 Tell all the Israelites to hear My message: "Up! Flee from your oppressors in the north. I have scattered you far across this earth, as if you were the four winds of heaven, and now I call you to return." 7 Then tell My people in Jerusalem to hear My message: "Escape from subservience to daughter Babylon and go to Zion!" 8 So said the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies. After His glory has arrived in the city, He will send me to the nations that stripped you bare, Jerusalem, because any nation who harms you harms the apple of His eye. Eternal One: 9 Watch what I'm going to do: I am ready to wave My hand over them to command punishment, and their own slaves will turn against them and strip them bare. When these things happen, you will know the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies, has sent me as His prophet. Eternal One: 10 Sing out loud and be happy, daughter Zion, because you will see Me coming and I will live among you. I, the Eternal One, promise this. 11 When that day comes, many other nations will join with Me, and their people will become My people. Still I will live among you, my covenant people. When these things happen, you will know the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies, has sent me to you. 12 The Eternal will inherit Judah as His share in the holy land, and He will again choose Jerusalem as His city. 13 Hush, all people! Be silent before the Eternal, for He has awakened and has come in glory to Jerusalem from His holy home in heaven. 3 Then the heavenly messenger showed me a fourth vision: Joshua, the high priest, was standing in front of the Eternal's Special Messenger who was presiding over a heavenly council meeting. Standing to Joshua's right was the one called the Accuser. He was ready to argue that Joshua was unworthy to serve as high priest. In this vision Zechariah sees a heavenly court. Joshua the high priest is on trial, charged with impurity and accused of being unfit to serve as high priest. The Accuser appears in the role of a prosecuting attorney, bringing charges and attempting to undermine the credibility of the one person God wants to lead His people. But the Judge will have none of it. Eternal One (to the Accuser): 2 I am reprimanding you, Accuser. I, the Eternal One, have chosen Jerusalem as My own, saved her from My fiery wrath as if she were a wooden poker just pulled from destruction in a fire. 3 Joshua stood motionless before the Eternal's messenger, still dressed in filth-covered clothes, as if recently returned from captivity. Special Messenger of the Eternal (to the other heavenly council members): 4 Remove the filth-covered clothes from this man. (to Joshua) Just as I have taken away your dirty clothes, I have taken away your guilt from you. In place of those clothes, I will dress you in pure, expensive garments. Then you will be ready to serve God and lead the festival. Zechariah (to the Eternal's Special Messenger): 5 Your fellow council members should put a pure turban befitting of the high priest on his head. It will indicate his dignity. So they placed a pure turban on his head and finished dressing him in his new clothes while the Eternal's Special Messenger stood by, supervising the cleansing. Joshua could now safely approach God. 6 The Eternal's Special Messenger then stood before Joshua and cautioned him. Special Messenger of the Eternal: 7 Listen to what the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies, has to say: "If you bind yourself to Me, walk according to My teachings, and perform your priestly duties without fail; then you will be in charge of My house in Jerusalem, you will organize the activities in the courtyards surrounding the most holy place, and I will give you a place among all My heavenly council members gathered here. 8 Listen to Me, Joshua the high priest—you and your colleagues who maintain the temple alongside you. These men are a sign of wonders to come. Watch, because I am going to bring My servant, who is the Branch of David, to lead you." 9 The Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies, has this to say: "You will see the stone I set before Joshua: on it are seven eyes, on it I will engrave a special word, and in a single day I will purge guilt from the land. 10 And on that day I, the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies, promise everyone will invite one another to sit under the shade of his own vine and fig tree and be at peace." The Voice (VOICE) The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved. Revelation 13 13 I saw a beast with ten horns and seven heads rising out of the blackness of the sea. On its horns hung ten crowns, and on its heads were inscribed blasphemous names. 2 This beast was like a leopard, its feet were like the claws of a bear, and its mouth was like the jaws of a lion. The dragon bestowed it with his power and his throne and his great authority. 3 One of the beast's heads appeared to have suffered a fatal blow, but its mortal wound had somehow been healed. Amazed at the miracle and its power, all the earth followed the beast. 4 People worshiped the dragon because he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast because of its power. Earth: Who can match the beast? Who can fight against it? The beast emerges from the murky waters resembling the dragon; but it has other features, too, that resemble the four beasts as described in Daniel 7. Daniel, in his visions, learns that the beasts represent the empires that terrorized Israel and the rest of the world: the Babylonians, Persians, Medes, and Greeks. Prophetic images are difficult to identify. The beast in John's vision could be none other than the Roman Empire or another empire to come later. Rome has its own beastly authority, the Caesar, who demands worship. "Caesar is Lord," they dare to claim. But John knows better. In every generation, powerful people and institutions arise—political predators that demand loyalty, sometimes even worship. 5 And the beast was given a mouth that bellowed arrogant boasts and uttered great blasphemies, and it was permitted to do what it willed for 42 months. 6 Its mouth opened with a stream of insults against God, blaspheming His name, cursing His dwelling and those who live in heaven. 7 Also it received permission to declare war against the saints and conquer them. Not a single nation, people, language, or ethnicity could escape its dominion. 8 The inhabitants of the earth will worship it, that is, all those whose names have not been recorded before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slaughtered. 9 Let the person who is able to hear, listen carefully. 10 If someone is destined for captivity, a captive he will be. If someone is destined [to die] by the sword, by the sword he will die. The endurance and faithfulness of the saints will be tested here. 11 As I watched, I saw a second beast, this one rising up from the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it was speaking with the voice of a dragon. The second beast, which later becomes "the false prophet," has horns like the lamb; but its true nature is revealed in its dragon-like voice. Many pretenders and posers exist in the spiritual world. This new beast wants the world to believe it represents the True God, the only King worthy of worship. But it's a deceiver, a counterfeit of the true King; it steals devotion away from the one true God, producing signs to dazzle the inhabitants of the earth. 12 This earth-beast exercises all of the authority given to it by the first beast, and it forces the earth and all its inhabitants to bow down and worship the first beast, whose mortal wound had been healed. 13 And the earth-beast performs fantastic miracles. Like Elijah on Mount Carmel, it even causes fire to blaze down from heaven to earth for all to see. 14 Since it is allowed to perform these miracles in the presence of the first beast, the earth-beast deceives the inhabitants of the earth, commanding them to make an image of the first beast that had survived the mortal wound inflicted by the sword. 15 And the earth-beast was granted permission to breathe into the image and to animate it so that it could even speak. It decreed that those who refuse to worship the image of the first beast must be killed, 16 and the earth-beast mandates that all humans must carry a mark on their right hands or foreheads: both great and small, both rich and poor, both free and slave. The beast demands worship and requires all to carry its mark. Those who don't face severe punishment. 17 Those who do not carry this mark, that is, those who do not have the name of the first beast or the number representing its name inscribed on them, are not allowed to sell their wares or buy in the market. 18 Here is divine wisdom: let anyone who understands these mysteries figure out the number of the beast because it is the number of a person. Its number is 666. The Voice (VOICE) The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved. Psalm 141 Psalm 141A song of David.1 O Eternal One, I call upon You. Come quickly! Listen to my voice as I call upon You! 2 Consider my prayer as an offering of incense that rises before You; when I stand with my hands outstretched pleading toward the heavens, consider it as an evening offering. 3 Guard my mouth, O Eternal One; control what I say. Keep a careful watch on every word I speak. 4 Don't allow my deepest desires to steer me toward doing what is wrong or associating with wicked people Or joining in their wicked works or tasting any of their pleasures. 5 Let those who do right strike me down in kindness and correct me in love. Their kind correction washes over my head like pure oil; do not let me be foolish and refuse such compassion. Still my prayer is against the deeds of the wicked: 6 Their judges will be thrown from the edges of cliffs and crushed upon the rocks below, and the wicked will hear my words and realize that what I said was pleasing. 7 Just as when a farmer plows and breaks open the earth, leaving clumps of dirt scattered along the rows, our bones are scattered at the mouth of the grave. 8 My gaze is fixed upon You, Eternal One, my Lord; in You I find safety and protection. Do not abandon me and leave me defenseless. 9 Protect me from the jaws of the trap my enemies have set for me and from the snares of those who work evil. 10 May the wicked be caught in their own nets while I alone escape unharmed. The Voice (VOICE) The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved. Proverbs 30:18-20 18 There are three mysteries I find absolutely amazing, no, make it four I cannot comprehend: 19 The way an eagle flies through the sky, the way a snake moves over a rock, The way a boat glides through the middle of the sea, and the way a man becomes one with his virgin wife. 20 An adulterous woman is so cavalier by nature. When she's done, it is as if she washed after eating and then says, "I have done nothing wrong." The Voice (VOICE) The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved. | | Bible Gateway Recommendations | | | | | | | Copyright Information | | Daily Audio Bible. Copyright © 2015 Daily Audio Bible. Used by permission. | Subscription Information | | This email was sent to mucomacamucomaca.muco@blogger.com by Bible Gateway, 3900 Sparks Drive SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 USA. This email is part of a devotional or newsletter that you signed up for on BibleGateway.com. 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