Tuesday, May 31, 2022

A Hopeful Walk Through the Darkest Valley

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Col. Carlyle Smitty Harris

A Hopeful Walk Through the Darkest Valley

By Col. Carlyle "Smitty" Harris (Bible Gateway Blog)

I celebrated my ninetieth birthday in 2019. What a gift life is! What an honor to live such a long and wonderful life. My health is excellent, and my soul is even better. I have been participating in an annual study of the effects of my years as a POW for the past thirty years. Each summer, Louise and I travel to Pensacola, Florida, to participate in the voluntary study with 180 other POWs. It is a very extensive physical exam, with thorough blood work and testing of every kind. The information gathered is compared to that gained from other groups of pilots and peers who have not been in the prison camps of North Vietnam....

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Myron L. Rolle

Your Life Is Not Your Own

By Myron L. Rolle, MD, MSc (Bible Gateway blog)

A few days before the end of 2019, my wife Latoya came to Boston to celebrate New Year's. She still had to finish her dental residency in Birmingham, forcing us, for the moment, to live apart. The moment she walked through the door, her presence made the utilitarian apartment feel like a home. One night, as she got ready for a hospital holiday party, I listened from another room ...

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Touré Roberts

The Gift of Rest

By Touré Roberts (Bible Gateway blog)

Everything great that has ever happened to me in life occurred when I somehow found myself in the place of rest. I mean everything, from book deals to viral teaching messages, entertainment and business opportunities, even meeting and marrying the love of my life. It all happened when I entered the space of rest.

Now I think it's important for me to define what I mean by rest, because it may not be what you're thinking....

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