Thursday, March 30, 2023

A Faith Lesson from Peter’s Denial of Jesus

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Zondervan Books
Michele Cushatt

A Faith Lesson from Peter's Denial of Jesus

By Michele Cushatt (Bible Gateway Blog)

Before his death, Jesus dined with His disciples. It was Passover, the annual feast to remember Yahweh's deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt after hundreds of years of slavery. (See Exodus 11 and 12.) To those seated at the table, it was simply another Jewish celebration.

Jesus knew otherwise....

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Monica Swanson

Parents: Make Faith Your Highest Priority

By Monica Swanson (Zondervan)

Research tells us that most Christians become Christians during their childhood. It's much less likely for someone to make a commitment to Christ after they turn eighteen. Young children have precious, impressionable hearts, but as they grow up, things of the world creep in, and their hearts tend to harden.

While there's always hope for anyone to begin a relationship with Jesus at any age, George Barna, renowned researcher, stated, "From the way I see it, our kids' faith is either won or lost by age 13."

Time is of the essence. And, I will add, your home is the best place to start....

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Robert Wolgemuth

What Is the Key to a Life Well Lived?

By Robert Wolgemuth (Bible Gateway blog)

Like almost all Jesus' inner circle, Simon Peter was executed for what he believed. About Jesus.

Of all the disciples, I guess I identify most with Peter. Maybe not as outwardly brash as this guy, but I'm every bit as impetuous. Sometimes leading with my mouth rather than my thoughtfulness. Thankfully, the older I've grown, the more successful I've become at controlling myself.

So walk with me to one of the most important conversations Jesus had with this disciple....

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The 10 Laws of Boundaries
A Spectacle of Glory: The First 28 Days
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