Thursday, April 27, 2023

Don’t miss this opportunity!

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Dear Champion of the Bible,

We’re in the final days of a $100,000 challenge to reach the world with the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Don’t miss your opportunity to bring God’s Word to more people when your gift is paired with challenge funds!

Our own Biblica staff and many partner organizations are on the ground in areas of extreme persecution. They know the needs of the people groups they’re serving. They know how to speak to seeking hearts, disciple new believers, and strengthen local churches. But much of their work depends on having Bibles and Scripture resources to give away, and that’s where they need your help.

Please give today, while you’re thinking of it, in any amount God leads you to send. Every gift, and every dollar, will help transform lives as men, women, and young people hear God speak in the language they dream in. Thank you!

Your partner in ministry,

Geof Morin Geof Morin


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