Thursday, April 27, 2023

What Does the Bible Say about Artificial Intelligence?

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Zondervan Books
Jason Thacker

What Does the Bible Say about Artificial Intelligence?

By Jason Thacker (Zondervan)

Technology is a tool that helps us live out our God-given callings. This is one of the most important things for us to learn as we engage the topic of technology and artificial intelligence. Because we often see the tremendous power that technology has over our lives, we are tempted to treat technology as more than a tool, as something with a value similar to our own if it is powerful enough or does enough work on its own. Technology will be misused and abused by broken people just like you and me.

Nowhere in Scripture is a tool or a technology condemned for being evil. Scripture shows that technology and tools can be ...

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Laura Tremaine

Two Obstacles to Successful Adult Friendships

By Laura Tremaine (Zondervan)

Whenever I talk about the angst of making new friends on my podcast or on social media, the comment always comes up that it is so hard to make new friends as an adult. So many of us seem to struggle with those early interactions that turn an acquaintance into a friend. We think if we just followed exact instructions, it would unlock the elusive perfect bestie.

But there is no formula to make this happen. There are too many variables at play, including personality types, communication styles, relationship preferences, and the culture of your community. So this isn't a how-to article so much as a brainstorming session to broaden your mindset on making friends.

There are two things that regularly trip us up when we're on the hunt for new friends....

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Rick Warren

The Six Phases of Faith

By Rick Warren (Bible Gateway)

As a pastor, I'm most often asked this question: "Why is this happening to me? I don't understand it. I thought I was pursuing God's dream, but now I'm ready to give up." Sound familiar?

You see, when you don't understand the six phases of faith, you may become resentful, even depressed. You will certainly worry. You may become fearful about the future. And, worst of all, you won't be able to cooperate with what God wants to do in your life.

But when you ...

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The 10 Laws of Boundaries
A Spectacle of Glory: The First 28 Days
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