Thursday, September 28, 2023

Translating Your Suffering into a Durable Hope

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Zondervan Books
Costi W. Hinn

Who Is the Holy Spirit?

By Costi W. Hinn (Zondervan)

I clicked the play button on the video of a woman sitting in a chair on a stage, microphone in hand, seemingly ready to share something from the Bible to a crowd of eager listeners. She was a well-known singer and songwriter, so the crowd undoubtedly was on the edge of their seats in anticipation. The video began: "The Holy Spirit, to me, is like the genie from Aladdin."

The crowd responded immediately with laughter, engaged with her right from the start. I tried hard to fully understand what she was saying and not be hasty to judge her. Perhaps she was just attempting to have a little fun and bring levity to a theological subject. As she went on, however, no well-intentioned motive could account for what she said, and my concern deepened ...

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Anh Lin

What Happened When I Strengthened My Boundaries

By Anh Lin (Boundaries Books)

The first time I was explicitly taught about boundaries was by my Christian therapist. While it seemed that everyone I knew took pity on my mother, my therapist was the first to suggest I might benefit from moving out of my mother's house and finding a different church. At the time, I thought that leaving my mother's house was an act of disobedience, and leaving church an act of disloyalty (and perhaps even blasphemy).

Still, I became more open to her advice as I grew to trust her little by little. I still remember her reaction when I told her I saved enough money to properly move out of my mother's house. She let out a faint smile of relief, straightened up in her chair, exhaled, and proceeded to teach me the most important lesson about boundaries....

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Alli Worthington

If Mama Ain't Happy ...

By Alli Worthington (Zondervan)

Experts say emotional health is how you think and feel, how emotionally intelligent you are, and how well you can regulate your emotions. But as a nonprofessional, I believe emotional health is a combination of spiritual, mental, and relational health.

I want my kids to love God, have a positive outlook on life, be in great relationships, and know how to give and receive love. I pray they have firm boundaries, take personal responsibility for themselves, and enjoy a great life. That's my description of an emotionally healthy life. Who doesn't want this for their kids?

If we can raise our kids to be emotionally healthy adults, we'll have hit the jackpot as moms, right?

But I don't want an emotionally healthy life just for my kids, I also want that life for myself....

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The 10 Laws of Boundaries
Curt Thompson Event
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