Wednesday, October 31, 2018

God's Story... For My Life - October 31, 2018

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Day 147: Read today's devotional on Bible Gateway.

Facing the Impossible

Read Deuteronomy 9:7-29

"And at Kadesh-barnea the Lord sent you out with this command: 'Go up and take over the land I have given you.' But you rebelled against the command of the Lord your God and refused to put your trust in him or obey him."
(Deuteronomy 9:23)


Moses reminded the people of their unbelief 40 years earlier, when they had refused to enter Canaan. The Israelites had refused to follow God in spite of all he had already done. They looked only to their own resources instead of to God's power.

Sometimes God asks impossible things of his people. God asked Nehemiah and Ezra to rebuild the walls and the Temple under their enemies' watchful eyes. He asked Peter to walk across the waves. He asked Paul to bear a thorn in his flesh. And he asked Israel to drive the nations out of the Promised Land.

We tend to fear that God gives orders like these and then abandons us to complete them. But God is not like that at all. God told Israel he had already given them the land. God wasn't going to wish them luck and disappear. God was going with them. In truth, he was going before them.


If God is asking you to do the impossible, remember that he has not abandoned you to do it alone. God is going with you. His "power works best in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9). And "what is impossible for people is possible with God" (Luke 18:27).

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