Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Open This Gift and Try Not to Cry

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Zondervan Books
Gift Box

Open This Gift and Try Not to Cry

By Heidi Gaul (Bible Gateway Blog)

The Christmas tree is decorated, and stockings are hung. Carols waft through the air, joining the scent of holiday baking to create a sense of home and love. And giving.

Every year, I look forward to this season. I enjoy selecting presents that speak to the loved ones in my life ...

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Walter Wangerin Jr.

Moving from Troubled to Bold Faith

By Walter Wangerin Jr. (Bible Gateway Blog)

The Canaanites tell this disturbing folktale: if a jealous angel should appear to a young woman on the night of her betrothal, beware! It's a sign that the she-demon will kill the man she's soon to marry.

Could this be one of the reasons why Gabriel's appearance to Mary troubles her? ...

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Manger Scene

Tucked Away Jesus

By Pam Kidd (FaithGateway Blog)

It was a small nativity scene. A little box holding a few plastic pieces my mother had brought home from her travels. I had hesitated before I shoved it onto a shelf. Shouldn't I just put it in the garage-sale box? I had wondered. Since the baby Jesus had gone missing a few years earlier, the nativity set had no real point ...

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Luke Lezon

The Gift of Pain and How to Press Through It

By Luke Lezon (Bible Gateway Blog)

When John and Tara Blocker welcomed their daughter Ashlyn into the world, they thought she may be the most well-behaved baby of all time. She hardly made a peep. Tara recalled a bad diaper rash Ashlyn had that landed them at the pediatrician's office, but still no tears from Ashlyn.

As she got older, anytime she would fall or injure herself, Tara said Ashlyn seemed "happy as can be." She never indicated she was in any kind of pain ...

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