Monday, March 29, 2021

Your Perception Is Your Reality

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Zondervan Books
Craig Groeschel

Your Perception Is Your Reality

By Craig Groeschel (Bible Gateway Blog)

For centuries people believed the world was flat. (Some still do. Don't believe me? Google it. You'll find there are "Flat Earthers" today.) Because they believed the wrong idea, it impacted their lives as if it were true. People would not venture too far out in the ocean for fear they might sail off the edge. Why? Once again, a lie believed as truth will affect your life as if it were true....

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Jodie Berndt

Whack-a-Mole Parenting

By Jodie Berndt (Bible Gateway Blog)

When I was working on the original edition of Praying the Scriptures for Your Teens, the folks at Zondervan let me know they were meeting to discuss the cover design. "Do you," they asked, "have any specific ideas or input to contribute?"

"Well," I said, "if you were to poll my friends who are raising teens right now, they'd probably tell you to just go ahead and make the cover black...."

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Tyler Staton

Stuck Between Two Unsatisfying Stories

By Tyler Staton (Bible Gateway Blog)

Thomas is my favorite. He's always been my favorite. I know Thomas. I am Thomas.

Thomas wasn't a fiercely rational cynic. To think of him that way would be to minimize a whole life down to one single moment, which is always a mistake. This is a man who left everything behind to follow a self-proclaimed Nazarene rabbi. He risked everything for Jesus. He witnessed miracles that left him rubbing his eyes in wonder, but he also faced rejection, confusion, and public disgrace for associating so closely with one who was called a criminal....

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10 Laws of Boundaries
Daily Power
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