Friday, November 5, 2021

Help send 90,000 Bibles to the Muslim World

Your gift doubles in impact to send Bibles
Dear Champion of the Bible,

I'm writing today with an urgent message.

Time is running out to fulfill the $50,000 2021 Living Word Challenge from a generous partner—and create $100,000 to send God's Word into some of the world's most difficult places to be a Christian. And what better gift can we give this Christmas than God's Truth?

Because of the threat of persecution and because it's illegal to bring printed Bibles into many Muslim-majority nations, we rely on audio and digital Bibles for much of our ministry there.

And the amazing part about this challenge gift is that, because digital and audio Bibles are so cost-effective, we can reach 90,000 people by doubling all $50,000!

That's 90,000 men, women, and children with a Bible to study in the language that speaks most to their heart. With Christianity growing rapidly—as it often does under persecution—I can't overstate the need for these Bibles.

But the challenge ends on November 30. Will you send your gift today to provide Bibles this Christmas?

Your partner in ministry,

Geof Morin

Make my Gift


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