Saturday, February 10, 2024



Please call me Luca; I am the chief investment officer at an
investment firm, Translock Capital in Milano. Our firm is actively
seeking dynamic collaborations and is committed to expanding our
presence into new markets, with a specific focus on integrating
businesses from your region into our portfolio.

Our comprehensive range of services encompasses Equity Financing with
Convertible Note Flexibility, Venture Debts, long-term loans featuring
competitive interest rates, Management Buyouts, and Growth & Expansion

Your business has drawn our attention as a promising fit for our
portfolio. I would be delighted to provide additional details or
coordinate a brief, no-obligation consultation at a time convenient
for you, or alternatively, initiate an introductory call.
Eagerly anticipating the possibility of establishing a meaningful
partnership with you.

Best Regards,

Luca Marchetti

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