Thursday, December 27, 2018

Finding Those Nuggets of Beauty in the Midst of Dark Days


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Kim Taylor Henry

Finding Those Nuggets of Beauty in the Midst of Dark Days

By Kim Taylor Henry (Bible Gateway Blog). "No matter how awful my day has been, there are always some gifts of beauty in it, however small. Every night I review my day and ask God to help me find them, and He always does."

When I heard those words from a friend who's battling a serious illness, a memory rose and settled gently on my mind....

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Kyle Idleman

The One Great Sin that All Others Come from

By Kyle Idleman (Bible Gateway Blog). Imagine a man who has been coughing constantly. This cough keeps him up half of the night and interrupts any conversation he has that lasts more than a minute or two. The cough is so unrelenting that he goes to the doctor. The doctor runs his tests. Lung cancer.

Now imagine the doctor knows how tough the news will be to handle. So he doesn't tell his patient ...

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Charles Colson

The Key to a Real, Unshakable Faith

By Charles Colson (Bible Gateway Blog). Boris Kornfeld is the great paradox personified. A Jew who betrayed the faith of his fathers. A doctor whose years of training were senselessly wasted. A political idealist whose utopian vision led only to a barren Siberian prison. A prisoner who gave up his life for nothing more than a loaf of stolen bread. In every one of these areas, Boris Kornfeld was a failure—at least in the world's system of values. Yet God ...

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Cynthia Ruchti

The Source of True Hope

By Cynthia Ruchti (Bible Gateway Blog). "What is it about this family and hope?" my youngest grandson asked. "We have a cousin named Hope, and there's hope everywhere in this house!"

I love his exuberance on the subject. Ours is a house filled with hope. It shows up in ...

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