Tuesday, December 25, 2018

God's Story... For My Life - December 25, 2018

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Day 202: Read today's devotional on Bible Gateway.

No Children

Read 1 Samuel 1:1-8

Though he [Elkanah] loved Hannah, he would give her only one choice portion because the Lord had given her no children. So Peninnah would taunt Hannah and make fun of her because the Lord had kept her from having children.
(1 Samuel 1:5-6)


In Old Testament times, a childless woman was considered a failure. Her barrenness was an embarrassment for her husband. Children were a very important part of providing for the family's needs. They worked for the family, and it was their duty to care for their parents in their old age. Hannah had good reason to feel discouraged and bitter. But instead of giving up hope, Hannah prayed. She brought her problem honestly before God.

Even with today's medical advancements, couples face infertility with few guarantees. Like Hannah, couples can grow bitter and discouraged by being unable to change their situations. But like Hannah, couples have prayer as a resource for encouragement, and God as their source of hope.

Think of those couples in your circles who are struggling with God's timing in answering their prayers and who need your love and help. By supporting them, you may help them remain steadfast in their faith and confident in God's timing to bring fulfillment to their lives. Who can you encourage today that might be feeling hopeless?


When bad situations confront you, turn to God in prayer. God is able to work miracles.

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