Dear Friend, As a subscriber to my “Investigating Faith” newsletter, you and I undoubtedly share some key convictions:
• First, Christians in our increasingly skeptical world need to better explain why we believe what we believe.
• Second, churches in America – and beyond – needed to become more effective in impacting their communities for Christ.
These beliefs are what prompted us to open the new Lee Strobel Center for Evangelism and Applied Apologetics at Colorado Christian University. This unprecedented Center is in the process of launching dozens of exciting online courses in an effort to fuel a revival of faith and outreach in America.
Do you want to see churches elevate their evangelistic temperature? Do you want to see more young people stand strong in their walk with Christ? Are you anxious to see the truth of Christianity better defended in the marketplace of ideas? Then I hope you’ll join us through your prayers and financial support.
I remember being at Billy Graham’s funeral, where the buzz was about who would succeed him. My answer: “Who is the next Billy Graham? It is millions of contagious Christians who are trained, equipped and deployed.” And our Center has a vision to fulfill this mission as quickly as possible!
I’m asking you to help by doing three things. First, go to and check out the vision for our new Center. I think you’ll be inspired by our mission to serve Christians as well as churches and ministries as we bring the gospel to our nation and beyond.
Second, consider whether you might want to take one of our undergraduate, graduate, or certificate-level courses next Fall from the comfort of your own home. Let me and our team help you grow in reaching others with the message of Jesus. Fill out this form keep updated as the Center rolls out its classes: Third, please send a tax-deductible contribution to help us maximize the impact of our Center. Whatever you can sacrifice will be put to good use as we partner together for the cause of Christ! For more information, call my colleague Eric Hogue at (303) 963-3093 or send your gift to:
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